How An ENT Doctor Might Treat Your Vertigo

6 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been having severe dizzy spells, you might have vertigo. An ENT doctor can diagnose your condition, uncover the cause, and provide treatment. This type of doctor treats conditions of the ear, nose, and throat, and since vertigo often stems from inner ear problems, an ENT doctor can be helpful. Here are some ways to treat and manage vertigo.

Treat The Underlying Cause

Sometimes, vertigo is caused by an inner ear infection and inflammation. When that's the case, the doctor may give you medications to help clear up the infection and reduce inflammation. When your ear condition has healed, your vertigo may be gone. Vertigo can sometimes clear up on its own, but oftentimes, you'll need to have some sort of treatment.

Take Medications

Certain medications can help reduce vertigo symptoms and manage the side effects of your dizzy spells. For instance, nausea could be a problem when it feels like the room is spinning constantly. Your doctor might prescribe anti-nausea medication to help.

Your ENT doctor might also prescribe antihistamines for certain types of vertigo. You might have to take them all the time or just when your condition flares up.

Try Exercises And Head Movements

Certain head movements can make vertigo worse or better. Your doctor might send you to physical therapy to learn exercises and head movements to do at home to help you manage vertigo and also to help get rid of it. By moving your head in a certain way, the calcium deposits in your ear move too. If they move in such a way that they stop irritating your inner ear, you might get relief from your vertigo.

The ENT doctor may even move your head through various positions during an office visit to see if they can clear the calcium deposits.

Have Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation is therapy that retrains your brain so you can stabilize your vision and maintain your balance. By doing exercises that give your brain other cues, you can reduce dizzy spells and manage your vertigo without it bringing you to a halt. This type of rehabilitation involves stretching and strengthening exercises, eye movements, and methods for bearing your weight that allow you to keep moving even when you have vertigo.

Vertigo can be temporary or a long-term condition. With proper treatment, you can live with vertigo and keep it well-managed. You'll also need to take precautions around your home so you reduce trip hazards and make your home a safe zone equipped with grab bars and other safety features. You may also need to adapt your movements as you go about daily activities so you learn to avoid head positions that make you suddenly dizzy.
